Elmer and Elsie Schulz Estate
26429 511th Ave. Winthrop, MN 55396
Auction Location:
Auction Type: Estate
Live Only Estate Auction
Auction Date: Saturday, September 9th, 2023 – 10:00am
Directions: From Winthrop, go 3 miles east on Hwy 19 to 511th Ave. Turn north by gravel pile and go 1.5 miles to auction on right (east side).
Auctioneers Note: This auction has many unique items on it – It’s a live only auction! We want to thank the Schulz Family for the privilege to sell their parents treasures. Come out! Have some fun at the live auction!
– Joe & Ryan
Tractors, Tools, Household, & Yard
Auction Highlights
Tractors & Equipment: Restored IH 300 gas utility tractor, wf, 4603hrs, fenders, 2pt, sng hyd to the front or back of tractor, torque amplifier, new battery, 540 pto, 13.6×28 rears; IH 574 gas tractor w/ weather sheel, approx. 3,875hrs w/ IH 2050 loader & bucket, 16.9×28 rears, 3pt, 540-1000 pto, wf, sgl hyd, new hour gage; HMD lawn tractor, no engine, w/ seat & mower; HMD chicken feeders; yard light; hose w/ hose reels, commercial; weight box; round 100 gal water tank; 2 wheel yard kart; Agrifab 38” lawn sweep; platform scales; Bull Dog farming mill w/ screens; used 14’ & 15” tires; 4×8 trailer w/ tilt bed & lights; portable 200 gal fuel barrel w/ gasboy pump; transfer pump, 5hp, hoses, valves; 2pt platform carrier; pressure washer, 1200 psi on cart; HMD portable overhead hoist on wheels; Club Car golf cart w/ top, electric, weather cover kit; HMD motorized pull type JD tiller w/ wisc. motor; IH 574 tire chains; bucket attachments; 8’ pickup topper;
Shop & Tools: Portable work bench for shop; rotar table w/ rotar; portable steel welding table; red wagon w/ wooden box; table saw; rotar; mitor saw; planer; radial arm saw; metal tool box; wood & metal horse eveners; antique horse cult. no handles; battery chargers; gas cans; wrenches; hitch pins; chop saw; rope; misc. organizers; tap & dye set; hand torch; Trouble light; jacks; drill bits; elec. chain saw; come along; grease guns; socket sets; misc. screws; air nail gun; quick grip, clamps; vise; wooden posts; T posts; lighted star; steel barrels; pull type grader; hog feeder sm; 200 gal P.U. fuel barrel no pump; 6”x10’ transfer auger w/ stand, no motor; wire cattle gates; fiberglass garage door, 18’x12’ w/ accessories; 260 gal fuel barrel on transport w/ pump; IH pto, 3pt mower; JD 495 4-row planter; many steel posts; many piles of galvanized tin; drag sec; ice fishing metal sled; misc. lumber; many cords of firewood; portable work benches; many sets of wrenches, screwdrivers, & assortment of misc. tools; hand and power tools; table on wheels; ext. cords; bucket of bolts; pipe fittings; heavy duty brake & press; sheet rock lift; organizer stand; K&T drill press & wall type; grinder on stand, port; can crusher; HomeLite generator w/ 7.5hp motor; Onan 7500 watt portable generator, elect. start; Honda portable 6500 watt generator on cart elect. start; Yamaha 1000 watt portable generator; metal brake; saw horses;
Yard, Household, & Misc: 2003 Yamaha 4-wheeler 400cc, 1100 miles, 4×4; portable ice fishing house; fishing items, tackle box, fishing rods; ice auger; ice house heater; minnow bucket; spears; cement bird water; sm. windmill; wire short fencing; bird feeder; animal trap; saws; sledge hammers; dehorner; overhead 200gal fuel barrel; grader blades; small garden tiller; cargo carrier on 2 wheel trailer; shelving; stools; Maytag ringer washer; raised garden box; red wagon; Pro-Form xp pedal bike; china sets; Correlle sets; FireKing bowls; common dishes; serving platers; many glasses; pitchers serving bowls; shot glasses; records; turn-table w/ speakers; radio; S&P sets; pictures; rugs; towels; totes; sewing items; yarn; thread; wooden sewing stand; ironing board; suitcases; Christmas items; flat screen TV w/ remote; cassette & 8-track tapes; Lift Asst. chair; wall desk w/ roll top; picnic table; corner hutch cabinet; dressers w/ mirrors & handkerchief boxes; wooden chairs; shelves; end tables; plant stands; antique desk w/ drop top; wooden antique clothes dryer; spooled wooden crib; Singer sewing machine in cabinet; kids buggy; adjustable bedroom set; upright armoire; glider rocker; desk; cedar chest; card table, chairs; bells; microwave stand; medical walking aid devices Antique pink, green, & blue depression glass; Carnival glass pitcher & bowl; metal toy buildings; Redwing #2 crocks & other misc. crocks; kraut cutters; enamel items; advertising items; Gaylord Feedmill bean pot; Watts pitcher; ash trays; copper boiler; cast iron pot w/ holding iron; grind stone in stand; retro table and chairs; 1969 16 magazines; rocking horse; wooden standing Klondike incubator; cooking utensils; cookie cutters; cookie jars; United Accordion w/ case & book; many more misc. items!
Auctioneers: Matt Mages, Courtland; Larry Mages, Lafayette; Joe Wersal, Winthrop; Joe Maidl, Lafayette; John Goelz, Franklin; Ryan Froehlich, Winthrop;
Clerk: Mages Land Co & Auction Service, LLC. All Items Sold “AS IS”. Mages Land Co & Auction Service is not responsible for accidents.
Terms: No buyers premium.