2024 Spring Consignment Auction
55780 St Hwy 19, Winthrop, MN 55396
Auction Location:
Auction Type: Consignment
Auction: 04/27/2024, 9:30 am
Payment & Pick-up: 04/29/2024, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Spring Consignment Auction
Live Auction
Saturday, April 27th starting at 9:30am
Mages Auction Site
55780 State Highway 19, Winthrop, MN 55396
1/4 mile west of Hwy 19 & 15 intersection
Ring 1 – Live and Simulcast: Machinery & Vehicles
Tractors, Farm Machinery & Equipment:
2016 Hagie sprayer w/ 90’ boom, 1 owner; Century 1300 gal sprayer, 90’ hyd fold boom; NH 8970 tractor, 3920 hrs, FWA,1000 pto, duals, super steer, 16.9r30 fronts, 20.8r42 rears 22 front suitcase wights, 1 owner, SN: D414556; Farmall C tractor, live hyd, pulley lights; RC Case tractor, w/ factory buck saw, pto, fenders; Farmall H tractor; 1990 Timpte semi trailer; 1988 Kiefer livestock trailer, 16’; 2010 JD 1760NT planter w/ computer track 350 monitor, 8×30”, 3 bu seed boxes, finger pickup, radial bean meters, yetter row cleaners, down pressure springs; JD 7000 planter w/ Dickey John monitor, 8×38”, front fold, row cleaners, finger pickup, bean meters; IH grain drill, 14’x6”, high rubber; IH grain
drill, 12’; JD drill grass attach, 10’; JD tandem disk w/ spring folding wings, 20’; Case IH 501 disk, 14’; IH 370 disk, 12’; JD 1600 chisel plow, 12 shank, pull type; JD 100 chisel plow, 12’; H&S V12 hay rake; JD 896A side rake, rubber mount tines; H&S tandem manure spreader, hyd end gate, poly floor & sides; JD 370 manure spreader; Fetrel auger,10”x66’, pto; bale elevator w/ elect motor, 28’; JD 843 corn head; Unverferth seed auger truck mount; Leinbach line post hole digger, 3 point, 9” bit; Calumet 2250 vaxuum tank spreader w/ injectors; large pump, tandem axle, 6” hose; 6 ton bulk bin; H&S bale throw rack w/JD running; ; Mokee snowblower, 7’, double auger; King cutter finishing mower, 6’, 3pt, pto; Ag Systems 1000 gal tank on tandem trailer, no pump; Paulson loader, trip bucket; 2 – IH clam shell fenders; IH flat top fender; harrow tines for field cult; behind tractor folks; yard plow; JD 15k pto driven generator; IH center mounted planter, 2 rows, check steaks; asst. of skid steer attachments; 4 – 80 bu poly hog feeders; 3 – stainless steal indoor hog feeders;
Campers, Boats, & Lifts:
2021 Gulf Stream camper trailer, mod 275 FBG;2023 Forrest River Wolfpup camper trailer, mod BHS 16; 2008 Fleetwood Evolution pop up camper trailer, mod E3; 2017 Pontoon Crest I, 22’, 115 Mercury outboard motor, tri-toon, no trailer; alum; 1982 Lund fishing boat w/ 1983 Range trailer, 16’, 2 – outboard motors; Hewitt 1501 alum boat lift, 3600 lb, elect key turn winch, 120 v, 22’ canopy, plastic wheels, adj height, usable with pontoons & boats; 2 section riveted 2 seat boat; Sears duck boat, 12’;
Vehicles, & Trailers:
2009 Pontiac G8 GT 6.0 V8; 2006 Dodge Ram 3500, 245,000 miles, aux diesel, manual trans, quad cab, 4×4, 5th wheel, dual; 2014 Dodge Caravan, 77, 646 miles; enclosed trailer, H – 6’ L – 12.5’ W – 7’; 2 wheel pickup box trailer w/ LED lights; dbl hitch lawn cart;
Lawn Mowers, & Misc:
White lawn mower, hydrostatic, 52”, 22 hp, Brings & Straton engine; MN #3 horse mower, 5’; Aermotor tower windmill, 35’; Challenger tower
windmill, 40’; 2 – windmill heads; single horse drawn buggy; single horse sleight; barge box on running, hyd hoist; wagon; bobcat bucket, 4’; cow cupola; pig cupola; barn doors; 4 – 2002 Chevy Silverado tires & rims, 275/60R20, 115 M&S; weather proof deck, unknown size;
Ring 1: Guns & Ammo
guns and ammo will sell LIVE & ONLINE prior to all other items
This is a partial list, preview of guns is 1 hour prior to the auction
Multiple Pistols, shotguns, and rifles by A & A Engraving, Inc, of Rapid City, South Dakota including: Nicollet Co. A. Uberti black powder revolver, .44 cal, SN: 14563; Nicollet Co. Winchester rifle mod 94AE, lever, 30-30 win, SN: 6341749; Nicollet Co. Baikal Bounty Hunter II, 12 ga ,2 3/4”, double barrel, SN: 02500G2B; Blue Earth Co. Sam L Colt revolver, .44 cal, SN: 9657; Blue Earth Co. Winchester rifle mod 94AE, lever, 30-30 win, SN: 66342582; Blue Earth Co. Baikal Bounty Hunter II, 12 ga 2 3/4, double barrel, SN: 0152922B; Brown Co. A. Uberti black powder revolver, .44 cal, SN: 14502; Brown Co. Winchester rifle mod 94AE, lever, 30-30 win, SN: 6278351; Brown Co. Baikal Bounty Hunter II, 12 ga 2 3/4”, double barrel, SN: 0250012B; MN State 150th Anniversary Hartford rifle w/ wooden display case, .45 colt, lever, SN: AM186522; Jessie James American Arms Inc. rifle mod NKC, .45 lc, SN: 70288; Henry 22 Brown County Collector Edition, 49 of 100 made;
Long Guns:
Zi Jiang Machinery, 12ga; Tristar, 12ga 2 3/4” & 3”, semi; Coast to Coast Stores mod 288, .22 lr & s; Excel single barrel shotgun, 20 ga; Remington mod 11-48, 12 ga; Remington mod 7400 w/ scope, 270 win; Ruger American 30-06, bolt, never fired; Wolf black powder rifle, .50 cal; Benelli Armi Super 90, 12 ga; Stevens double barrel, 12 ga; Master-Mag CC660, 20 ga; Ducks Unlimited Mossberg, 12 ga; Browning Magnum Twelve,
12 ga; Ducks Unlimited Fausti DU2013, 12 ga, dinner gun; Winchester 25, 12 ga 2 3/4”; Browning 5-a, 12 ga 3”; Remington 31, 12 ga 2 3/4”; Winchester 1400 MK-2, 12 ga 2 3/4”; Winchester 12, 12 ga 2 3/4”; Winchester 1912, 12 ga 2 3/4”; Winchester 97, 16 ga; Winchester 97, 12 2 3/4”; Winchester 74, .22 s; Winchester 97, 12 ga; Winchester 94 Limited Edition Cowboy, 30-30; Ithaca xl900, 12 ga 2 3/4”; Savage 111, 30-06; Norinco 22ATD, .22 lr; Henry Golden Boy, .22 mag; Mossberg 500a, 12 ga 3”; Armsport AZ-12, 12 ga 3”; Springfield 15, .22 lr; Winchester 94 Pre-64, 30-30; Mossberg 183DC, .410 ga; Winchester 1897, 12ga; GECO 1922, 9mm, smooth barrel; Remington 12, .22 lr; Winchester 02, .22 lr; Savage 1904, .22 lr & s; BSW Suhl 315, .22 flobert; Underwood MI, 30 cal; Savage NRA, .22 lr; Iver Johnson Mod X, .22 lr & s; Winchester 190, .22 lr; Winchester 62A, .22 s; Winchester 37, 28 ga, pigtail red letter; Winchester 37, 20 ga, all thin pigtail red letter; Winchester 37, 16 ga, hammer pigtail red letter; Winchester 37, 12 ga, pigtail red letter; Winchester 12 pigeon grade heavy duck, 12ga;
Hand Guns:
Makarov, 9mm; Colt Mustang Pocketlite, 308 auto; Ruger Mark I, .22 lr; Ruger Mark II, .22 lr; Walther P22 w/ red dot, .22 lr & s; S&W Mod 10-5, .38 sp; Colt Police Positive, .32 S&W lr & S; Taurus Judge, .410/45LC; Norinco Type 54, 7.62x25mm; Nagant M1895, 7.62x38mm; S&W 22A-1, .22 lr, UBK7211; S&W 681, .357 mag; Webley MK4, .38 sp; Para Ordnance Warthog, .45 acp; Ruger MK 2, .22 lr, NRA-21587; Ruger Standard, .22 lr; Taurus 942 Ultra Lite 9, .22 lr; Taurus G2C, 9mm, TMW67630; Nambo 14 Japanese Officer Pistol, 8mm;
BB Guns & Slingshot:
Benjamin Air Rifle Co mod 252, .22 cal; Grosman Air Guns 1008 repeatair, 4.5 mm; Daisy 1938B, 4.5 mm; Rosie Barra 1856, 4.5mm; Daisy Powerline 856; Daisy mod 1894; Trumark Slingshot;
Ring 2 – ONLINE ONLY – All Other Items
First lots start closing: Saturday, April 27th – 3:00pm
Payment & Pickup: Monday April 29th – 9:00am to 5:00pm
This is a partial list. Online bidding opens April 19th.
Yard, Shop & Tools:
Darra James table saw w/ Leland 1/3 hp motor, mod 245-B; Craftsman 12’ bandsaw sander, mod 113.243310; Craftsman 6” jointer/planer, mod
133.206931; General Machinery 10” auto planer, mod 5-6935; Craftsman 12” wood lathe on tool chest, mod 113.228160; Craftsman 10” radial saw, mod 113.19771; Craftsman table saw on cart; Snap-on 2000 psi electric power washer, mod 692024;JD BH30 leaf blower; Husqvarna weed whip; Jepson saw, 10”; Walk behind weed trimmer, gas; transfer pump, gas, 2” connections; 4 – pillow block bearings, 2”; 50’ settling hose; cat 1 blade, 6’; 18” rod; small air compressor; Tactacam reveal camera;
Appliances, Furniture & Misc:
Paulson wood stove; multiple pieces of furniture including desks, tables, dressers, chairs, and side tables; 2 wheels & seat from dump rig;
cardinal lamp, Timex anniversary clock; 2 – Icehouse beer light bottles;
Multiple cookie jars; glass blue swans; barley twisted wash basin; metal foldable candy dish; Walmart associate dolls; Farmers Co-op rain gauge; JD vintage Reindeer plush toy Johnny Deerest RARE Rudolphs;
Memorabilia & Toys:
1991 World Series Wheaties Box; Kirby Puckett Collectors edition Wheaties Box; Kirby Pucket porcelain cards, # 341 & #342; Dale Jarret memorabilia; Score 1994 unopened box sets; Topps 1992 unopened box sets; 1992 – 1994 Upper Deck unopened box sets; 1992 Upper Deck Holo Denny’s Series; 1993 The Leaf unopened set; Fleer 1991 – 1992 unopened box set; Minor League unopened box set; assorted 1990’s
baseball cards; misc Toy Story cards; 5 – Terry Redlin steins w/ original boxes; 3 – Leinenkugel steins w/ original boxes; 4 – Schmidt wooden beer steins w/ original boxes; 4 – Miller Holiday steins w/ original boxes; 3 – Regal Corn stalk mugs; 2 – Big Gain 1990 Roy Clark Show Mugs; 4 – Terry Redlin Collector trucks; 3M Tina Gordon Post It truck, 1/24 scale; Hermann the German bobble head; Thusnelda bobble head; Ted Marti bobble
head; Kirby Pucket bobble head; Daunte Culper bobble head; Hot Wheel cars; 1957 Bonneville City Cruiser Collection; Multiple die cast toy tractors; farm equipment, cars & trucks including JD, MM, Tonka, & ERTL;
Uncirculated Presidential Dollar coin collection, D; Uncirculated Presidential Dollar coin collection, P; 2 – 2010 National Parks quarter collection, D; 10 Troy oz silver plates; Roman Empire AR dbl Denarius; 1783 MO FF Mexico 2R El Cazador; Roman Empire AR Denarius Rv Felicitas at altar; circulated Chinese sliver yens; Kennedy 1/2 dollars 1964, 1965, 1970; wheat pennies; Barber nickels; 1928 Silver dollar; Mercury dimes; half dollars w/ errors; pennies w/ errors; buffalo nickels;

Area Neighbors
Auctioneers: Larry Mages, Lafayette; Joe Maidl, Lafayette; Joe Wersal, Winthrop; John Goelz, Franklin; Ryan Froehlich, Winthrop
Clerk: Mages Land Co & Auction Service, LLC
Terms: Live Buyer’s Premium 10% . Online Buyer’s Premium 15%. Everything sold “AS IS”. Everything to be paid for immediately after the auction. Sales tax, license & registration fees may apply on some items. Fire arms buyers must have valid drivers license. Pistol buyers must have valid “permit to purchase”. Mages Land Co makes no representation to the accuracy of mileage or hours of items. This is a guide, buyers are responsible for collecting their own info. Not responsible for accidents. Lunch & restroom on grounds.