Clifford and Marie Ruzicka-Retirement Auction
21753 Eagle Ave. Winsted, MN 55395
Auction Location:
Auction Type: Retirement
Auction: 09/28/2023, 9:00 am
Live Only 2 Ring Retirement Auction
Auction Date: Thursday, September 28th – 9:00am
Inspection Dates: Sunday, Sept. 24th through Wednesday, Sept. 27th: 9am – 5pm
Ring #1 Starting at 9am: Guns, tractors, vehicles, & campers
Ring #2 Starting at 9am: Pallets & machinery row
Directions: When traveling north on Falcon Ave N (Co Rd 15) from Glencoe, turn east onto state Hwy 7. Travel 1 mile and turn north onto Eagle Ave. travel 1.8 miles and the auction location is located on the west side of the road. Watch for signs!
Auctioneer’s Note: Thank you to Marie and Clifford for allowing us to sell their lifetime of treasures. We enjoyed working with you and your family, Make sure to come to the sale to see numerous antique and collectible items!
– Joe M & Joe W
Tractors, Machinery, Equipment, Vehicles, Guns, & More!
Auction Highlights:
Tractors & Accessories: Massey Ferguson 510 Combine, diesel, w/ 15ft bean head; Farmall cab, loose, belly blade, 540 pto, hyd pump, fenders, wf; JD-B, parts tractor; McCormick W-9, wf, tight, fenders, w/ HMD cab, 540 pto; Farmall M, tight, nf; Farmall A, wf, fenders, good tin & paint, 540pto; Massey Harris 33, nf, good tin, loose; Farmall H, tight, nf, 1-new rear tire; Allis Chalmers C tractor parts; Farmall F-20 parts tractor; Farmall B parts tractor; Allis Calmers power unit; Farmall F-20 frame; Farmall F-20 parts tractor; Farmall 450, nf, diesel, power steering, torque amplifier, sng hyd; Farmall 350, utility wf, fenders, 540 pto, 2pt, sn#4285, diesel; Allis Chalmers C, wf, fenders, w/ wood L59 belly mower; Allis Chalmers CA, nf, fenders, 540 pto, good rear rubber; Allis Chalmers, wf, fenders, turf rears, w/ 6’ sickle mower; Farmall W-4, standard, loose, wf, fenders, 540 pto, ave rubber; Farmall B, nf, loose, fenders; Farmall 200, nf, fenders, loose, 540 pto, lights; Farmall H, nf, lights, 540 pto, good tin; IH 650 diesel, wheat & standard, wf, fenders, 540 pto, hyd, good rubber & tin; Farmall McCormick W-9, wf, parts; Farmall H, nf, fenders, 540 pto, hitch; Farmall 400, diesel, parts; Case 446 lawn tractor, not running, w/ deck; JD M, wf, fenders, w/ pt hitch, good rubber, good seat, touch-o-matic- hyd control, foot clutch, good tin; IH Cub loBoy, orange, wf, fenders, loose lights, turf rears, w/ 5ft sunmaster belly mower; Farmall Super C, nf, fenders, loose, new rears, 2pt hitch, w/ 2 row cult; Allis Chalmers, nf, fenders, nice tin & rubber, tight, w/ wood L59 belly mower; Farmall Super M, parts tractor; IH Cub, wf, fenders, new rubber, w/ 1 row cult, loose, sn#46939; Farmall H, nf, nice rubber & tin; Farmall Super H, nf; Farmall Super C, nf, good tin; Farmall McCormick Super W-6, wf, fenders, lights, good tin; Farmall H, nf, parts tractor; Farmall H, nf, good tin & rubber, w/ IH sickle mower, bracket; JD B, nf, parts tractor; Farmall Super C, nf, fenders, new rubber, lights, loose; JD B, nf, good tin, parts tractor; McCormick WD-6, wf, diesel, fenders, hyd, 540 pto, good tin, tight; IH 1086, wf, diesel, rock box, w/ duels, dual hyd, dual pto 1000-540, 4244hrs, 3pt, w/ IH cab; Farmall H, nf, good tin & rubber; Farmall C, wf, good tin & rubber, 540pto & pulley; Farmall B, nf, fenders, pto & pulley; Steiger Bearcat, 30.5×32 tires, dual hyd, 3pt, bearback, sn#2681; Farmall W-9, parts tractor; Case, nf, fenders, sc; JD 6620 Turbo, diesel, hydrostatic, 2292 engine hrs, sn#356829; Allis Chalmers model C tractor, nf, fenders, 540pto, lights, pulley; Int 1486 tractor, rock box, 20,8R38, rear rubber, 540×1000 pto, 3pt, dual hyd, 2132hrs, 2650141619094, cab air & radio; Farmall Model 504 tractor, wf, gas, fenders, 2pt 3pt hitch, 540pto, sng hyd; Farmall 140 tractor, gas, wf, side mount, 5ft sickle mower, turf tires, 540pto; Farmall Model M tractor, nf, Schwatz bucket, lights, 540pto; Farmall 460, wf, Model 250 dual loader, 2pt add on, sng hyd; Farmall M tractor, gas, nf; Farmall 400, gas, nf, fenders, lights, fast hitch, torque; 3160 Cat engine; JD 112 lawn tractor; Farmall Cub, wf, 540pto, rear weights, lights; Int 460 utility tractor, gas, 2pt, hitch loader, frame & torque; Int. 400 diesel tractor in parts; Farmall 560 diesel, torque, wf, fast hitch, lights; 2 IH power units; Case Model 1270 AgriKing tractor, pump is stuck, 3pt, diesel, rock box, cab; Allis Chalmers Model G orchid tractor w/ some attachments; Ford truck 16ft Omaha standard box & bed; Ford L 7000 diesel truck, 24ft implement, bed tilt bed;
Equipment & Machinery: Case 2 bottom, coulters, pull type 14in; John Deere 3×16 plow, 3pt mount; Int 2×14 mounted plow, coulters; Int 1 bottom, 18in, breaking plow; Int 2×14 mounted plow coulters; JD 3×14 pull type w/ coulters; JD 3×16 pull type model 555, coulters; JD pull type 3×16 model 555, coulters; JD pull type 4×14 model 555H, coulters; JD 2×16 pull type, coulters; JD 4×14 pull type, coulters; Int 710 3×18, auto reset, coulters, 3pt; white 588 4×18 plow, auto reset; JD Model B grain drill 10ft on low rubber, grass seeder 22 double disc; JD 2 row 36in plate planter/ marker; Int 45 Vibra shank digger, 28ft, pull type w/ 3 bar harrow, hyd fold; Melroe 420 30ft multi-weeder, 3 bar, w/ drag; U plow w/ bracket; JD 8×30 rear mount cultivator w/ transport; JD 8×30 front mount cultivator; Int 1 bottom plow, 12in, mounted; New Idea hay conditioner; Oliver 548 5×16 plow, spring reset; JD manure spreader, ground driven; Int tractor hitch; JD 4 row 38in planter w/ markers; JD 15A flail chopper; JD 350 flight elevator, pto, w/ hopper; JD AW 10ft tandem disc; barge box on running gear; Massey Ferguson 12 hay baler; Glencoe 12ft chisel plow, pull type; Lindsay spike drag, 5 section on transport; spoke rim running gear w/ hay rack; JD AW 14 disc tandem; JD 1280 8×30 planter w/ transport; New Holland 55 5 bar hay rake; Case 5 bar hay rake; 3 barge boxes on gears & hoists; JD 494 planter; JD 34 chopper w/ 1 row corn head; JD 14ft tandem disc; Kewanee 20ft tandem disc; brush auger for wagon, orbital drive; running gear; Big Beaver 8ft blade, 3pt; wood splitter, press frame; Advance rope trolley; 2 Int tractor weights; Dixon ZTR 50in zero turn mower, needs work; 2-JD 8ft digger pull type; Int sickle mower, 7pt; Allis 1 bottom plow & planter markers; Allis chalmers 5ft sickle mower; 200 gal sprayer; road grader pull type; 4’, 5’, 6’ transfer augers; drop fertilizer; Nu-Bilt 185 gravity box on 872 running gear; Minnesota 250 gravity box on MN 10 running gear; Snowco grain auger, 8x60ft, pto on transport; Westfield 8×71 grain auger, pto on transport; Westfield 8×51 grain auger, pto on transport; Dakon 6×36 grain auger, pto on transport; Snowco grain screener; Federal grain screener; 2- 14x6ft culverts; antique machining table; Cherokee U type snow blower, 7ft; Killefer 4ft earth mover; Van brunt 8ft grain drill on steel, seeder; 400 gal pdi tank; 2- 6ft stiff tooth drags; numerous poli water tanks; 500 gal steel fuel barrel; Brillion cultipacker 14ft; barn doors; gal tin; variety of lumber; fire hydrant; antique galvanized water tank; 5 wagon gears; wagon hitches; dump rake; stone boat; trash wheel; Schwartz wide front; Int hitch; Int wide front; antique potato lifter; numerous antique cultivators & sickle mowers; numerous I beams; buck saw; JD14ft tool bar; T posts; tractor chains; 3pt wood splitter; JD rock box; 3pt quick hitch, cat 3; numerous tractor weights; spools of cable; ditch witch 1030; chicken feeders; 50 gal fuel transfer tank; ; Toro lawn mower for parts; White 445 single row curved disc chisel plow, 14 shanks, tandem, 14ft; JD 750, no till drill, 15ft, 7in seed spacings, pull type; JD grain drill, 20ft, 20 double disk on low rubber, grass seeder; Int 720 plow 6 bottom, on land hitch, auto reset; JD 643 grow 30in, low profile; JD dumby head, 5 belt grain pickup; JD 220 20ft bean head, w/ head moving trailer; Kasten silage box, on homemade running gear, 14ft; Allis Chalmers 4-19 bulldozer, Garwood 9.5ft blade; Hy-Hoe industrial backhoe, loader, Detroit diesel, 7ft bucket, 30in hoe bucket; JD 950-970 tool bar, pull type 13ft; Big Blue plow, 7 bottom, on land, 3pt, hitch, 18in bottoms; row horse drawn potato planter on steel; Troy Built walk behind garden tiller; heavy bench grinder; 2 row mounted planter; Int. 2 bottom mounted planter; Industrial style 24in wood planer; Clark Forklift, model C500Y80, max capacity 4150 lbs, max battery elect WT 10040, type LPG, not running; Allis Chalmer 4-19 bulldozer w/ Garwood 9.5’ blade, not running; Hy-Hoe Industrial Backhoe, loader, Detroit Diesel, 7’ bucket, 30” hoe bucket, not running;
Boat, Trailers, Vehicles, & Accessories: EZ-GO golf cart, gas, 2 stroke; Bush Hog Model 4430 4×4 UTV; VersaDump 16’ dump trailer, hyd lift, hyd jack, ramps; Chevy 1961 ¾ ton Apache 20 pickup truck; 1980 Ford Ranger F250, 4wd; Ford F-700 sng axle truck, 14ft steel box & hoist; 1978 Ford C-700 sng axle truck, 16ft bed; 60’s Chevy 2 ton truck; Chevy c/60 school bus; Wards SeaKing 14ft boat w/ trailer; Polaris charger snowmobile; GMC Truck frame scrap; late 50’s Chevy truck flatbed & hoist; MM cable hoist; H&H 18ft deck trailer, tandem axle w/ wench, hyd tilt; 5×8 trailer; gravel dump sng axle; 11ft steel bed on MN running gear; 5th wheel plate; wrecker unit; 10ft steel truck bed; dual axle & frame; Chevy box trailer; 2 Implement trailers; 1999 Plymouth van parts; 2005 Dodge Ram van parts; 2 wheel trailer; snowmobile trailer frame; Ford tailgate; antique bumpers & plows; cupula; portable Hobart welder/generator w/ Detroit diesel; 14ft Span America boat & trailer, run about, fiberglass, w/ mercury 35hp motor; GMC hydra-matic 370 V-8, 15ft steel bed; Ford 700 tandem axle truck, 18ft steel box & hoist; Chevy C/60 dump truck, tandem axle, 12ft gravel box; Ford custom pickup box trailer w/ topper; Chevy diesel 70 utility truck, 12ft bed, 5×2 hi-low shift manual, duals; Chevy 50, 18ft box & hoist, sng axle box w/ hoist, gas, 4×2 manual trans; 1993 Winnebago Chieftain motorhome, 43276 miles, Chevy chassis 454; 1977 Winnebago Elandan 11 motorhome, 80505 miles, Dodge chassis 440; 1994 Ford F-250 XLT pickup truck, 118,731 miles, 4×4 drive, elect, air & radio, auto trans, 8ft box, gas; 2004 Ford F-350 Lariat super duty, 35,227miles, power stroke turbo diesel, full power, leather, dually, topper; 1988 Cadillac Brougham, 5.0 liter, 89,550 miles; 1999 Chevy Suburban LS1500, power, cloth interior, 4×4, running boards, 8 passenger, 182,109 miles; 2003 Chevy Suburban, 196,710 miles, 7 passenger; 2004 GMC Top Kick truck, 4 door, side storage, bucket air ride front seat; 2010 Raptor 5th wheel camper toy hauler model RP361 Lev, tri-axle, sleeps 12, 2 slides, sn#2606489; 2009 Jayco Recon ZX 5th wheel Camper toy hauler, sn#2421453; Ford conversion van, Econoline 150 day cruiser, 7 passenger; 1974 Ford F-750 fire truck; 1975 Pontiac Grandville, Brougham, convertible, white leather interior, power seats & windows, 33,665 miles;
Guns: Stevens 410ga. Model 940, sng shot, 3in; Marlin 22 Model 42, semi-auto, long; Savage Sporter 22 bolt action; 2- Sears 16ga. Model 105-20 bolt; New England Arms 12ga. Model SB-1, 3in; Mauser sn: 4279 Model 1918; Mauser sn: 8673 Model 1912-6; Marlin 30-30 Model 336, scope; New England 20ga. Model SB 3in; Mossberg 16ga. Model 190 2 3/4in; Remington Wingmaster 20ga. Model 870; musket gun; Ruger 357 Mag; large assortment of ammo;
For more information on specific items, contact Dan Ruzicka 320-224-3029
Auctioneers: Matt Mages, New Ulm, Lic: 52-23-018; Larry Mages, Lafayette; Joe Wersal, Winthrop; Joe Maidl, Lafayette; John Goelz, Franklin; Ryan Froehlich, Winthrop
Clerk: Mages Land Co & Auction Service, LLC. All items sold “AS IS”. Not responsible for accidents. Lunch & restroom on grounds.
Terms: No Buyer’s Premium when bidding live on-site.