First United Methodist Church of New Ulm MN
1 North Broadway New Ulm, MN 56073
Auction Location:
Auction Type: Personal Property
Auction: 01/16/2024, 9:00 am
Payment & Pick-up: 01/17/2024, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
The Outdoor Electric Display sign & Outdoor Wisemen Displays have been removed from the auction. We apologize for the confusion.
Inspection Date:
Tuesday January 16th, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
First Lots Start Closing:
Tuesday January 16th, 4:30 pm
Pick-Up Date:
Wednesday January 17th, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
1 North Broadway, New Ulm MN 56073
This is an online only auction!
Industrial Kitchen Appliances, Sound Equipment, Instruments, and More!
Furniture: Multiple oak pews sizes between 14’ – 4’; 14′ communion rails; wooden alter; 3′ oak baptismal fountain; Republic Steal Retro green kitchen set; multiple wooden stools & children’s chairs; wooden dinning table w/ chairs; couches; sitting chairs; entry tables; oak display cabinet; Replogle 12 in diameter globe, Platinum Classic series; multiple folding tables & chairs; multiple tables w/ stacking chairs; multiple tv carts;
Electronics: Silencer Mic Preamps sound system w/ Vs 900 professional Power Amplifier, JVC & Sony auto players, w/ mics transmitters, receivers, and misc sound items; Panasonic projector, model PT-EZ590 WUXGA; Sharp LCP projector; 7.5′ x 5.5′ projector screen w/ mount; Peavey speakers model 112DLM; Electro-Voice S200 speakers, Peavey XR-600c Mixer Amp; General MIDL Technics SX-KN3000 keyboard w/ stool; 48″ Vizio mounted TV; 53″ Vizio mounted TV;
Kitchen: Energy Mizer commercial dishwasher w/ 5.5′ counters, trays, & washing chemicals; Imperial 6 range gas stove w/ black stone, 5′ long; Frigidaire upright fridge with lower freezer; Frigidaire Gallery electric 5 burner kitchen range; McCall commercial refrigerator model 7045; Kenmore upright freezer; multiple Hamilton Beach roasters; Goldstar mini fridge; Bunn commercial coffee maker; Sharp carousel microwave; Pyrex glass banking pans w/ lids;
Instruments & Misc: 1997 Sojin baby grand piano model DG2 w/ built in humidity control system; 37 Malmark hand bells w/ sheet music, mallets, gloves; multiple pianos including Estey, Fischer New York, Kimball, & antique WW Kimball pump organ; Adam Drum set; CB 700 Xylophone; Chamberlain Perma Power Roving Rostrum Models S-112 & S-122; Preis Fur Fleissigkeit hanging banner; multiple antique leather bound bibles; silver on copper service sets; multiple framed pictures including The Last Supper & Grace; Sportcraft air hockey table; Sportcraft foosball table; popcorn push cart w/ Carnival King Popcorn maker;
In case of severe weather, listen to 860 AM KNUJ & 107.3 FM SAM 8:30 the morning of the auction for postponement & rescheduling info.
Blizzard Pickup Date is January 19th ~ 9:00 am – 4:30 pm

Auctioneers: Matt Mages, Courtland; Larry Mages, Lafayette; Joe Wersal, Winthrop; Joe Maidl, Lafayette; John Goelz, Franklin; Ryan Froehlich, Winthrop;
Clerk: Mages Land Co & Auction Service, LLC. All Items Sold “AS IS”. Mages Land Co & Auction Service is not responsible for accidents.
Terms: Read all terms online before bidding. 5% Buyers premium.