Parcel 1: 157.33 ac of Nicollet Co Farm Land
Directions to land: From St. Peter, head west on Hwy 22, for 7 miles, turn north on 403rd Ave, after 2 miles the land will be on both sides of the road. Watch for signs!
Location of property within Nicollet County:
Lake Prairie Township, Sections 9 & 16, Range 27
Total of farm: 157.33 acres,
approx. 153.42 acres tillable,
Productivity Index of 88.5
PID’s: 07.009.0700, 07.016.0205 & 07.016.0105
Taxes: $9,532 (Ag Non-Homestead)
This land has tile (no current map available) and is adjacent to a county ditch.
Parcel 2: 131.4 ac of Le Sueur Co Farm Land
Directions to land: From Le Sueur, head east on Co Rd 28 for 6 miles, the road will turn south, then after 1 mile turn east and continue on Co Rd 28/320th St for 1.5 miles, land will be on the south side of the road. Watch for signs!
Location of property within Le Sueur County:
Derrynane Township, Section 28, Range 24
Total of farm: 131.4 acres,
approx. 129.32 acres tillable,
Productivity Index of 87
PID: 03.028.0200
Taxes: $6,992 (Ag Non-Homestead 2A)
This land has tile (no current map available) and private ditch system.
Send all written bids to P.O. Box 202, Winthrop, MN 55396 or drop off your bid in-person at 55780 State Hwy 19, Winthrop, MN
All bids must be in writing and in our office by October 5th at 4:30 pm. Bids must include a check for 5% of total bid price.
All bids to be kept confidential.
Terms: No Buyer’s Premium. The successful bidder to be contacted on October 6th. They will be entered in into a non-contingent purchase agreement and have their check deposited as nonrefundable earnest money down on the property, with the balance to be paid upon closing which will take place on a mutually agreed upon date.
The property will be sold in “AS IS” condition. Buyer to get possession for the 2022 crop year. Parcel 1: Any assessments from Redetermination of Ditch #8A to be assumed by the buyer. Subject to any easements of record. The seller or seller’s agents are not responsible for any errors in information. This is a guide. Buyers are responsible to collect their own info. Seller has the right to reject any & all bids. Auctioneer has the right to run the sale however he feels best serves the seller. Mages Land Co & Auction Service represents the seller in this transaction.
All funds will be returned to unsuccessful bidders on October 6th, they can either be picked up at our Winthrop Office, shredded or, if requested, mailed back.
Note: All acres are published based on Nicollet & Le Sueur County Online Records and FSA records.
For more information, contact:
Joe Maidl, 507-276-7749, [email protected]
Matt Mages, 507-276-7002, [email protected]
Auctioneers: Matt Mages, Courtland, Lic. 52-21-018; Larry Mages, Lafayette; Joe Maidl, Lafayette; John Goelz, Franklin; Joe Wersal, Winthrop; Ryan Froehlich, Winthrop;
Clerk: Mages Land Co & Auction Service, LLC.