108 2nd Ave N &
104 Division St
Brownton, MN 55312
Price: $420,000
MLS: 7018133
N/S: 4969663
PIDs: 16.989.0010 & 16.050.0585
2020 Taxes: $22,290 (approximate)
700,000 bu grain elevator operation with 570,000 bu licensed space including: 5-MFS 25,000 bu bins; Sioux 264,018 bu bin, conveyor filled w/ side load out, sweep; 3-Butler bins, conveyor filled & side load out; Brock 76,100 bu bin, conveyor filled & side load out; Meyer 1400 corn dryer, nat. gas, 1,000 bu per hr; certified truck scale w/ scale house, cement ramps & monitor; top conveyors, well lit cat walks; 2-Overhead holding type storage bins, 1,900 bu each; wet leg & annex leg, like new; Brick storage shed & office w/ 2 overhead doors; 2-load-out augers. Access to railroad on the North end of the lot.
Listing Agent: Joe Maidl 507-276-7749
Realtors: Broker, Matt Mages 507-276-7002; Larry Mages 507-240-0030;
Joe Maidl 507-276-7749; Deb Fischer 507-240-0546; JC Chrest 612-269-6271;
Ed Mages 507-276-2976; Lynn Lodes 507-276-7039