Retirement Auction
Tuesday, February 27th, 2018 – 11am
70692 300th St, Redwood Falls, MN
Directions: From Redwood Falls on US Hwy 71 turn North on Co Rd 101. Travel 5.5 miles, this road will turn into Co Rd 1. Turn East onto Co Rd 19 for 1/2 mile, then turn south onto 300th St. after 1/4 mile, auction will be on the East side of the road. Watch for signs!
This is a live auction with online bidding available!
For absentee bidding click here
Combines, Tractors & Equipment: ‘08 Case IH 2588 AFS, Axial-Flow combine, 2069 eng hrs, 1444 separator hrs., yield monitor, field tracker, dual clean outs, ext on hopper & new mud hog rear wheel assist; Case IH 1020 25’ bean head, extra stubble fingers; ’14 Case IH 4208-30, 8-row, chopping corn head w/ stalk stompers, side auger; ’11 Case IH 235 AFS Magnum FWA, 1415 hrs, Omni Star GPS auto-steer, 19 sp econ pwr shift, pto 1000/540, 4 hyd, quick hitch, rock & tool box; ‘09 Case IH 535 Quadtrac, 2746 hrs, gps auto-steer, 4 hyd, 36” tracks, tool boxes, mult elec outlets; IH Turbo 1066, 6400 hrs, WF, diesel, dual hyd, cab, rock box; IH 1086, diesel, 9573 hrs, WF, locking dif, 10 weights, rock & tool boxes; ’13 Case IH 1255 Early Riser, 16-row planter w/seed hoppers, 500gal liq fert, air depth control, rear camera; ’12 Case IH 200 Tigermate 52’ field cultivator, w/ 2 bar harrow, crumbler, wings w/ tandems & 7” sweeps; IH 183 folding 12 row cultivator, vibra shank w/ rolling shields; Buffalo Scout II, 3pt guidance system; ’09 Case IH Ecolo-Tiger 730C disk ripper, 7 shank, levelers, drag harrow; ’98 Case IH 3950, 33’ folding disk, 21” blades, 9” space; ’02 Red Ball 670 sprayer, 1200 gal w/ 90’ boom, rinse tanks & hyd pump; ’10 Lorenz 9’ snow blower, dbl auger, 540 PTO, 3pt; IH sickle mower; Melrow 7 sec tine drag w/ cart; Melrow rock picker
Trucks & Trailers: ’96 Volvo semi, day cab, Cummins N14 eng, DOT inspected; ’95 Ford Aeromax L-9000 semi, day cab, Detroit Diesel Series 60 eng, DOT inspected; ’75 Chevy C-60 grain truck, 350 eng, steel box & hoist; ’73 Chevy C-65 grain truck, 400 eng, steel box w/ hoist & roll top, air brakes; Chamberlain 42’ alum. grain hopper trailer w/ tarp; ’88 Merritt 42’ alum. grain hopper trailer w/ tarp; 46’ utility flatbed semi-trailer w/ 3 water tanks & inductor system w/ hose, B&D pump & new wood floor; Convey-All BTS 290 seed tender, 5.5 hp Honda motor w/ belt auger; ’00 Parker 614 grain cart;
Misc Items: ’94 Super B Energy Miser, continuous flow grain dryer w/ transport & elect boxes; ’03 Westfield MK 100-71 auger w/ hopper, PTO & hyd lift; ’06 Westfield WR 60-61 auger, elect motor; ’06 Westfield WR 100-31 auger, elect motor; ’06 Westfield WR 80-36 auger, elect motor; 2000 gal diesel barrel on transport w/ 110 volt pump, hose & nozzle; 500 gal diesel tank w/ 12 volt pump on trailer; 500 gal diesel tank w/ 110 volt pump; Bobcat 65” rock bucket; 200 gal DEF tank; Century 225 amp wire feed welder; Forney 235 amp welder; The Clipper fanning mill; sand blaster in upright metal stand; Dole moisture tester; assorted tools & farming items;
Mike Kohout’s Items: Super B batch grain dryer, portable; 2-Parker 2600 gravity boxes w/ gears; J&M 400 bu gavity box w/ gear; 2- J&M 350 bu gravity boxes w/ gears and roll tarp; M&W 300 bu gravity box w/ gear; ‘65 Dodge 300 bu sng axle grain truck.
Auctioneer’s Note: Mages Land Company & Auction Service is honored to be selling this clean line of farm equipment. After 45 years, Gene Kohout has decided to retire from farming. We have also included items from his brother, Mike Kohout. See you at the sale!
-John Goelz & Joe Maidl
In case of severe weather, listen to 860 AM KNUJ & 1490 KLGR at 8:30 the morning of the auction for postponement & rescheduling info. Blizzard Date is March 1st ~ 11:00 am
Owner: Gene Kohout
For info about equipment call: 507-641-3074
Auctioneers: John Goelz 507-557-8394 & Joe Maidl 507-276-7749
Auctioneers: Matt Mages, New Ulm Lic 08-17-003; Larry Mages, Lafayette; Joe Wersal, Winthrop; Ryan Froehlich, Winthrop
Clerk: Mages Land Co & Auction Service, LLC. All Items Sold “AS IS”. Not responsible for accidents.
Lunch & restroom on grounds. Note: Buyers of large equipment need to bring a letter of approval from your bank.
Anvil has “Peter Wright Patent England” stamped on it, colors have been adjusted to reflect the engraving.